Way up in Northern California live two identical twin sisters, Morgan and Mason Baseley, who get good grades, participate in the student council, hang out with friends, go to the movies, play sports and are sponsored by Girls With Guns Clothing (among others) to hunt and shoot. These girls may seem like your average 13-year-old, but they are putting their boots to the ground, loosing arrows at targets, and practicing all the skills necessary to hunt and shoot safely and effectively.
The girls have an active social media presence where they share tips and tactics, along with photos of their hunting successes and training.
From their Facebook page's "About" Section, the girls say:
We have started this page to share with people our excitement for hunting. But not just Hunting. The importance of land and wildlife management, the thrill of the hunt and even how to enjoy and feast off your harvest. From birds to large game. Archery, shotguns and rifles. We are not afraid to try anything new and enjoy ourselves doing it. We will share shooting tips we learn along the way, advice for girls who want to hunt and even a few recipes that we particularly enjoy. Please follow us along our hunting journeys as we help empower girls and shooting sports.
Here at NRA Family InSights, we were intrigued by the passion these girls demonstrate for the outdoors, hunting and shooting sports. So we decided to ask them a few questions. Here's what they had to say.
NRA Family InSights: So girls, for those who don't know you, please tell us a little about yourself.
Morgan & Mason: We are 13-year-old identical twins who love the outdoors. We are very active at our school, and look forward to graduating 8th grade this year. We participate in school sports programs: travel softball for Mason and competitive running for Morgan. We raise pigs for 4-H, which we sell at the Jr. Livestock Auction and donate some of the profit to the Navy Seal Foundation. Our biggest adventures usually involve hunting and shooting sports.
NRA Family InSights: You have an active social media presence. What message are you hoping to spread?
Morgan & Mason: We are very passionate about hunting and want to help get the word out and educate other young hunters (primarily girls) about the importance of gun safety, wildlife and land management and the Second Amendment. We want to make sure our age group of hunters will be able to keep this sport alive as we grow up. We are the next generation for gun rights.
Our social media pages bring you along on our hunts to show our excitement, as well as giving tips and advice to be successful at any age.
NRA Family InSights: You've partnered with GWG Clothing, among others. What is your favorite piece of apparel in their line?
Morgan: All their accessories are super cute, like the headbands and wrist cuffs. Their tank tops are perfect for these warm Northern California summers.
Mason: I also like their tank tops and my GWG Montana Silversmith belt buckle gets a lot of compliments.
Morgan & Mason: We both love the new fur-hooded vest and zip-up hoodies, and are looking forward to their hunting line being released!
NRA Family InSights: What is your favorite species to hunt and why?
Mason: I love shooting turkeys, but then again I just got a new shotgun (Ithaca Model 37 Featherweight 20 gauge) last winter, so it makes it a little more exciting. Dove season this last year proved to be fun and challenging.
Morgan: I love duck hunting because it is thrilling to be on your feet and anticipating where the ducks will fly. Also deer hunting, the excitement of shooting a larger animal at a farther distance.
NRA Family InSights: What is your most memorable hunt and why?
Mason: Definitely my first dove hunt. Early in the morning I was able to knock one of those fast birds out of the sky and heard my dad, grandpa and uncle hooping and hollering for me. I was only 9, and shooting a .410 Mossberg model 500 youth gun.
Morgan: I hope it will be this next weekend (9/20/14) when I go pig hunting in Texas. It would be my first pig, out of state and with my bow.
Follow Mason and Morgan on Instagram and Facebook to see more of their hunting adventures.