4 Ways to Help Your Friends Get the Facts on Guns

There are a lot of misconceptions about guns and gun owners out there. Arm yourself with the truth.

posted on January 6, 2016

Whether you're new to firearms and shooting or were practically born with a revolver in your hands, you've no doubt found that there are many occasions in which you're confronted with someone who just doesn't seem to understand what the Second Amendment means to you and people like you. To a certain extent, this is completely understandable: There's a lot going on in people's lives, and if a particular issue doesn't affect them directly, they're less likely to spend time learning the facts about it. But you shouldn't be discouraged when you meet people who are ignorant of the facts about guns, gun laws and gun owners: This is an opportunity for you to be an ambassador for the Second Amendment. 

Over the years, your NRA and NRA Family have compiled plenty of resources that you can use to help your non-gun-owning friends and family understand where you're coming from when it comes to the shooting sports. We're listing some of them here for your handy reference:

1. NRA-ILA's Gun Laws by State
One of the most common themes you'll discover when talking to someone who's not familiar with Second Amendment issues is that they've been misinformed about what the current gun laws already are. Here's a great resource compiled by NRA's Institute for Legislative Action of current gun laws, broken down by state. Click here.

2. Top 3 Myths About the Second Amendment
Ever had someone ask you why you reject the concept of needing a license to own a gun when you accept needing a license to drive a car? That's because they're operating under a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Constitution guarantees all American citizens. In this article, Shooting Illustrated's Executive Editor Daniel McElrath tackles the top three myths that you'll encounter about the Second Amendment...and how to respond to them. Click here.

3.  Top 4 Myths About the NRA
Have you ever had someone confront you about the NRA sticker on your car or the logo on your hat? There are a lot of misconceptions out there, many of them fomented by the popular media, about what the NRA does and how. In this article, Daniel McElrath lists the top four myths about the NRA...as well as the truth. Click here. 

4.  5 Things "Anti's" Don't Get About Gun Owners
When you're having a discussion with someone who doesn't have much information about what the Second Amendment means to you, it's important to remember that many non-gun-owners simply have very little exposure to people who do own guns. This is a terrific opportunity for you to be a positive example of what law-abiding gun owners are really like. With calm, respectful and rational discourse, you'll find that you can often bring about a greater understanding. Here are five things that non-gun-owners often don't get about gun owners, and how you can help them to understand. Click here. 


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