Best of 2016's Fun Fridays

Come on, you weren't getting any work done today anyway.

posted on December 30, 2016

We here at NRA Family recently got a memo that it seems we missed: Apparently, if you have a website, you have to do at least one year-end roundup or people just won't take you seriously. With only two days left in 2016, we've had to scramble a bit to ensure we've fulfilled this crucial requirement. To make things easier on ourselves and save time, we've rounded up some of the articles we published on Fridays. As you can see, these are all designed to make sure that we're taken very seriously. It's the last Friday of the year, so put on your best serious face and grab a serious cup of's time to get very serious.

Any close encounter with a bear is an encounter of the "eek!" kind. In this article, we featured five such close encounters, in order from the least to the most horrifying. (Number five is not for the faint of heart!)

2. Becoming One With Your Inner Gun.
One Friday, we published a profound meditation designed to help guide you to your inner rifle. Take a deep breath, center yourself, and click here.

3. Forwards From Grandpa 
Every e-mail inbox is a quandary. Is that forwarded e-mail you got fact, or is it fiction? Ponder the quandary by clicking here.

4. Four Critters, Zero Fear. 
You say, "What about the honey badger?" We say, "We can't hear you over how awesome these other animals are." 

5. The War of the Rodents
“Sir, the beavers have total control of the area.”
  A reminiscence in which the U.S. Army gets owned.

6. They Really Are a Scream 
They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky, they're altogether ooky, the Chiroptera family! Da-da-da-dum.

7. Back To the Pliocene
You've got your flux capacitor, you've got your 1.21 gigawatts, you've got your down what kind of rifle will you bring?


Franchi Momentum All Terrain Elite
Franchi Momentum All Terrain Elite

New Guns 2025: Franchi Momentum All-Terrain Elite Rifle in Verdant Camo

For hunters who appreciate accuracy and do-it-all performance in a more compact design.

New Guns 2025: Rossi R95 Triple Black Lever-Action Rifle

Lookin' chunky! This solid, compact lever gun offers modern features for the modern shooter.

New Gear 2025: MTM Case-Gard Suppressor Case

It helps save your hearing, so doesn't it deserves a case as nice as your gun's?

New Gear 2025: Silencer Central Banish Speed K Titanium Suppressor

Strong enough for law enforcement, but lightweight and affordable enough for you.

New Guns 2025: EAA 2311 Witness Double-Stack Pistol

The Year of the Double-Stack continues with this low-recoil, high-capacity 1911-style handgun.

New Guns 2025: Charter Arms Double Dog Revolver

We double-dog dare you to try out this two-cylinder revolver!


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