According to 12 Survivors, once you've got the new SolarFlare 5, you'll never experience "Ten Percent Battery Panic" again. Whether you're a hunter, hiker, camper, prepper or simply spend a lot of time making long commutes on public transportation, you know the feeling: The device upon which you've come to rely as a conduit to the rest of the world is almost...out...of...power. If you had a small, lightweight, compact way to charge your devices anywhere you've got access to the sun, you could leave the 10-Percent Panic completely behind. That's where the SolarFlare 5 comes in. At 6.4 x 11.2 inches, it's smaller than a sheet of standard printer paper, and it's less than an inch thick. Weighing only 4.3 ounces, it'll slip right into your backpack, survival kit, bug-out bag or briefcase easily. It's got hanging hooks, gear loops and a 1-amp USB charging port, so it's convenient to set up wherever the sun happens to be shining. At an MSRP of $71.99, it should pay for itself in peace of mind and convenience over and over again. Check it out at www.12survivors.com.