Over the weekend of October 9-12, 2014, the Kentucky QDMA held its Military Youth Hunt where 47 kids from across the state harvested 41 deer. All participants were youths from military families, have a parent or parents actively serving, have served or who died in service to our country.
A hunt like the Kentucky QDMA Military Youth Hunt is a great opportunity for these kids to learn new skills, and many of whom get to hunt for the first time. Four branches of QDMA came together to make the event possible, raising over $15,000 in funding to make it a free hunt for the families. Participating families were from the Survivor Outreach Program, Wounded Warrior Program, active duty military, and the Active and Reserve Programs of the Kentucky Army National Guard.
Kids learned how to field dress a deer. Friends of NRA trained the kids in trail safety, trail orienteering, gun safety and trap shooting. They also learned hunter ethics, shot placement, deer aging, archery and more.
Of the 41 deer harvested, more than 1,000 pounds of venison was donated to Hunters for the Hungry.