On Thursday November 5th, three organizations will host a one-day Law Symposium on Protecting the Right to Bear Arms: History and Challenges—The Heritage Foundation, the Georgetown Center on the Constitution and the Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy (GJLPP).
The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies and principles.
The Georgetown Center on the Constitution of Georgetown Law places special emphasis on the debate over the proper methods of constitutional interpretation. The Center focuses on constitutional law and theory and aims to provide a leading forum on how to best remain faithful to the Constitution’s text.
Finally, the GJLPP is a biannual publication by the students of Georgetown Law. The scholarly legal journal concentrates on conservative, libertarian, and natural law thought.
The Symposium will feature numerous notable speakers including former NRA President David Keene, and Second Amendment legal scholar and attorney Stephen Halbrook.
The Symposium will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. this Thursday at The Georgetown Law Center-Gerwiz Student Center in Washington, D.C.
To RSVP and for more information, please visit https://events.heritage.org/law/.