If you live anywhere near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania--or even if you don't, honestly--your NRA Family is in for a treat: The Great American Outdoor Show! GAOS isn't just a trade show; it's a nine-day celebration of America's outdoor traditions, complete with concerts, leaping dogs, a fishing pond, raffles, seminars and so much more we don't really have space to tell you about all of it!
Held annually at the Harrisburg Farm Complex, an enormous, 650,000-square-foot exhibit space that comprises nine halls, GAOS is never the same show twice. Oh, there are some mainstays you can count on: the trout-fishing pond, the Dock Dogs competition, the 3-D archery competition, the country concert. But year over year, new vendors, shows, events and celebrities make their surprise turns, delighting attendees.
For example, this year's show will open with the Pennsylvania Lumberjack Championships. Come out and watch the Pennsylvania Lumberjack Championships as these world-class lumberjacks compete in the Underhand Chop, Springboard Chop, Axe Throwing, Crosscutting, and Hotsaw.
With over 1,000 vendors and dozens of daily seminars, it's extremely difficult (if not impossible) to see the whole show in one day. It's absolutely a full weekend's worth of family entertainment and shopping, and with nine days in operation, your family can go at the time that works best for you. Please join us, and check in with us at GreatAmericanOutdoorShow.org for updates!