It's summertime, a perfect time to take your family on an outdoor adventure through Nebraska's parks...which just might net you some great prizes. This adventure is known as The Great Park Pursuit (GPP), and it's designed to promote active lifestyles while increasing awareness of the state's nature-rich outdoor recreation opportunities.
Participants are encouraged to visit up to 20 GPP sites located across Nebraska between May 1 and Sept. 18, 2015, and follow clues that will lead them to a GPP post. There, they use a pencil to make an impression of the post to prove they were there. Prizes and entry into drawings are based on the number of impressions collected. The grand prize is an outdoor recreation package with a retail value of $1,500.
The participating parks are: Chadron State Park, Chadron; Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area (SRA), Gering; Laing Lake Park, Alliance; Lake Ogallala SRA, Ogallala; Sutherland Reservoir SRA, Sutherland; Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park (SHP), North Platte; Sherman Reservoir SRA, Loup City; Sandy Channel SRA, Elm Creek; North Park, Holdrege; Windmill SRA, Gibbon; Fonner Park, Grand Island; Ashfall Fossil Beds SHP, Royal; Willow Creek SRA, Pierce; Crystal Cove Park, South Sioux City; Benson Park, Omaha; Louisville SRA, Louisville; Two Rivers SRA, Venice; Prairie Queen Recreation Area, Papillion; Parade of Flags, Seward; Veterans Memorial Park, Beatrice.
For more information, to register or to see a list of the prizes that are available, visit negpp.org. You'll also find some ideas for great games to play with your family while you're out there. If you have any questions or would like to request a hard-copy registration form, send an e-mail to [email protected].