Carrying a slung rifle ought to be easy, but if you’ve ever tried to do it over anything resembling terrain, you know it isn’t always. Lean over to get under a branch; adjust sling. Stand up straight; adjust sling. Try to get rifle off shoulder; catch it on every single button and strap; curse; adjust sling; repeat.
Sometimes you just want an easy, lightweight, minimalist sling with one and only one job—keeping your shooting iron safely secured as you travel. Butler Creek just came out with its new Featherlight Minimalist Sling, designed for backcountry hunters who need a simple, dependable sling that doesn’t interfere with their backpack and gear, all while maintaining maximum strength and durability.
The Minimalist is minimal indeed, but don’t let its slim profile fool you; it’s tough as iron or tougher. Weighing in at only 3oz. (including the swivels), the sling is made from a .04”-thick “hyper-lite” material that boasts a tensile strength far beyond its size—more than 3,000 pounds per square inch. In fact, it can withstand temps from -22° F to 248° F, so you’ll give out long before the sling does.
The Minimalist Sling’s low-profile design that forms to your shoulder and provides a non-slip grip. When not in use, the extremely compact sling can be rolled up into the size of a baseball and stuffed in a pocket.
“Just as its name implies, the new Minimalist sling offers hunters a functional, modest design that offers all the features you need without extra weight or bulk”, said Monte Koenigs, product manager for Butler Creek. “The new sling expands our popular line of Featherlight models, which includes several of the lightest and strongest slings in the industry.”
Available in four colors: black, black and tan, black and orange and gray with Prym1 camo. MSRP $25-$35; ButlerCreek.com.