Ever heard of the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP)? Well, the best way to find out what it’s all about is through the words of the student archers themselves. NASP’s all-new Student Contributor program features articles written by student archers, for student archers. If you know a kid who may be interested in getting involved in scholastic archery programs—especially if he or she has a flair for writing—you should also know that applications will open for the next round of student contributors opens in August.
The current classroom features 11 NASP archers who were invited to be contributors based on application criteria submitted to NASP. They range from the fifth through the 12th grade, hail from all over the nation, and report from public, private and home schools. The articles they pen will be featured on the Success & Tips section of the NASP website and shared on social media.
The Student Contributors won’t just be sharing their success tips; they’ll be learning new ones, as well. During their months volunteering as student contributors, students will work with NASP staff and program partners to gain experience in online marketing and positions in the outdoor industry. They will be able to grow their resumes as they share their passion and experiences for archery.
Archery is a different kind of sport, shot individually or as teams, that is open to any student. NASP is an activity that doesn’t discriminate based on popularity, athletic skill, gender, size or academic ability.
“Ever since starting archery, I have noticed that my grades have improved, I am not scared to get out of my comfort zone, and I am ready to tackle any situation thrown at me,” said contributor Nadine Davis of Indiana.
Anna Rawe of Missouri said, “I am friends with kids that I probably would have never known were even at my school if it wasn’t for archery. This sport is something that I deeply enjoy and I strive to be better at with every practice.”
The National Archery in the Schools Program promotes international-style target archery as part of in-school curriculum, to improve educational performance and participation in the shooting sports among students in grades 4-12.
Would you like to get involved? For more information about the NASP student contributor program, please reach out to Stephanie Rustad, Western Regional Coordinator, [email protected].