Generation III Gun (GIIG), a nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting the competitive shooting sports to juniors, recently held its first Junior Charity Match, the Generation III Gun Championship. With over 160 shooters competing, and with close to $15,000 raised, it was a smashing success. Jesse Tischauser, pictured above, is one of the three GIIIG founders.
"I was honored when I was asked to be a part of the GIIIG organization. It is up to every one of us to pass on the fun and excitement of not only the shooting sports but also the importance of the 2nd amendment," stated Tischauser. GIIIG strives to educate juniors about the important role that they will play in the future of firearms in this country through the enjoyment and camaraderie of competitive shooting sports. Their goal is to reimburse juniors for every major 3-gun match entry fee, in the hopes that any junior who wishes to shoot a major match has the resources they need to do so.
The charity match ran nine demanding stages, some of which required shooters to navigate and employ stairways, raised platforms and simulated steep-pitched rooftops as part of the course. The highlight of this year's match were the floating MGM rifle and shotgun slug targets on stage 1. Check out the thrilling YouTube video here.
To learn more about GIIG, and how you can get involved, click here.