Giving Tuesday: Boost Youth Shooting Sports With MidwayUSA

posted on December 3, 2019

As the holidays approach, it can be very easy to get caught up in the buying and spending frenzy...and that's no doubt why The MidwayUSA Foundation is pledging $150,000 in matching donations in hopes of raising an additional $150,000 this Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday takes place on December 3, 2019 and MidwayUSA owners Brenda and Larry Potterfield are ready to sign on the dotted line to support youth shooting sports. It's a critical mission, since every junior shooter who learns safe and effective gun handling techniques makes America a safer and freer place.

Part of what makes donating to The MidwayUSA Foundation so satisfying is that, unlike many other charities, you can choose your favorite shooting team as a recipient for your donation. It's both safe and easy; anyone wanting to give to a youth shooting team on Giving Tuesday can go to Once on the Find a Team, Fund a Team webpage, donors can search for their favorite shooting team and make a contribution. Once the donation form is submitted, the Foundation staff will take care of the rest and send you a tax receipt. Thanks to generous donations from Larry and Brenda Potterfield, 100% of each donation goes to the team endowment of the donor’s choice, and the Foundation keeps nothing for operations.

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity working to sustain the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams. Every donation made is 100% tax-deductible and supports the mission to help communities and organizations raise funds to support their youth shooting team. The Foundation supports all shooting disciplines. For more information about how the MidwayUSA Foundation is changing the future of youth shooting sports, please visit or call 1-877-375-4570.


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