Grant Awarded to S3DA By Cabela’s Outdoor Fund

posted on August 31, 2015
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The benefits of archery are numerous: improved hand-eye coordination, strength building, improved patience and focus, higher self-confidence, just to name a few. Additionally, archery has been popularized by blockbusters such as The Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, and The Avengers, and this new found popularity has families and kids everywhere taking lessons. Step aside, Katniss!

In 2012, the Scholastic 3-D Archery (S3DA) program was created to meet the needs of archery students who are ready to take their skills to the next step. Archery leaders realized something was missing—the next level after students completed a basic introductory archery class. So, the Scholastic Archery Association partnered with Archery Shooters Association (ASA) and United States Collegiate Archery (USCA) to help bridge the gap from beginner to advanced archery, and so the S3DA program was created!

Cabela’s role with the S3DA program is paramount. They are well known in the outdoor community for their quality gear and corroborative efforts to help sustain and promote conservation efforts and outdoor recreation; enter Cabela’s Outdoor Fund. Cabela’s Outdoor Fund’s mission is to support conservation and hunting, fishing, camping, boating and other outdoor sporting and recreational activities. They contribute to like-minded organizations to make nature and the great outdoors even better. Cabela's Outdoor Fund sees the benefit of archery for students and wants to see a positive progression of the sport. In doing so, Cabela’s Outdoor Fund has awarded a $100,000 grant to S3DA!

Jennie Richardson, Executive Director of Scholastic 3-D Archery is excited for the growth the grant money will bring to the program. “This is a game changer for us,” Richardson said, “this generous grant from Cabela’s Outdoor Fund will positively impact every level of our organization. From internal operations, opportunities for clubs at local Cabela’s stores to helping S3DA establish active programs in every state and even to begin expanding internationally. This grant will make a real difference for youth 3-D archery and aspiring bowhunters. Cabela’s is one of the most respected names in the outdoor industry and to have this level of support from them is an incredible step forward.”

“Having Cabela’s support S3DA comes at a perfect time. S3DA is growing by leaps and bounds…these funds will be put to good use,” said Steve Dalp, Bear Archery President and S3DA Board Member. “I can’t personally think of a better endorsement of our efforts to introduce young folks into archery and ultimately bowhunting than for Cabela’s to join our team with a huge grant,” said another S3DA Board Member, Dirk Dieterich, who is also a Pope & Young Club Board Member. “Our thanks to the entire Cabela’s community for their overwhelming support and our solemn promise to put their funds to good use in our Clear Path Initiative,” Dieterich finished.

The Scholastic 3-D Archery can be found in 24 states lead by hundreds of certified coaches. Thousands of young archers from across the nation, from grades 3rd to 12th, are involved with S3DA and thousands more are welcome!

Please visit for more information.


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