Great American Outdoor Show 2024: Families, Fun, Firearms ... and the Forty-Fifth President, Donald Trump!

“Today, not only does Harrisburg host the largest outdoor show in the world, it hosts the best."

posted on February 15, 2024

“For four incredible years, it was my honor to be the best friend gun owners have ever had in the White House by far,” said the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. There he stood at the podium, America's largest personality, addressing the crowd at the world's largest outdoor show, the Great American Outdoor Show (GAOS). The humble farm complex of Harrisburg hosts hundreds of thousands each February, and NRA Families know it's a can't-miss.

That's because GAOS isn't just a trade show. Yes, there are literal miles of booths to visit. Yes, there are dozens of workshops and lectures. Yes, there's always a country music concert. But GAOS is about more than that; it's a yearly pilgrimage for Second Amendment-supporting families from all over the East Coast and beyond. 

NRA interim Executive Vice President & CEO Andrew Arulanandam said it best: “Today, not only does Harrisburg host the largest outdoor show in the world, it hosts the best. We’ve pumped in, together, more than $700 million dollars to the local economy. Let me tell you one thing, the NRA’s not going to stop until we’ve hit a billion and then some.”

What's in store for next year? Keep an eye on this space and clear a week on your 2025 calendar, because it's sure to be as blockbuster as 2024!



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