Hillsdale College, a nonprofit liberal arts college in Hillsdale, Mich., recently offered two separarate shooting camps for women as part of its annual Ladies for Liberty Shooting Camp and Seminar. The purpose of the seminar is for participants to receive instruction on firearm safety and marksmanship.
On May 17 through 21 and June 14 through18, participants gathered at the John Anthony Halter Shooting Sports Education Center, Hillsdale College’s 105-acre state-of-the-art shooting facility, for an innovative four-day program that also included lectures by Hillsdale College faculty focused on understanding the Constitution and the importance of the 2nd Amendment.
National Rifle Association certified instructor Sheila Hoekstra and USA Shooting Level 2 shotgun coach and National Sporting Clays Level 2 instructor Bart Spieth provided training and instruction.
In an interview with the Hillsdale Daily News, camp instructors and participants relayed their thoughts and experience about Ladies for Liberty.
“The Ladies for Liberty Shooting Camp is a great way for women of all experience levels and backgrounds to gather and get better acquainted with these firearms,” said Hoekstra. “I think the atmosphere we provide here makes it so women feel like they can ask anything, enabling them to learn better. The stigma of this being a male-only hobby is erased.”
Bart Spieth, instructor and range master at the Shooting Sports Education Center, said, “So many ladies have gone out and bought pistols and they struggle to find a place where they receive good instruction on the basics of how to use those safely and accurately. We developed this camp to help them to learn the fundamentals.”
Cindy Brown and Alice Murphy, two campers from Ohio who both have concealed pistol permits, participated in this year’s program to feel more confident and comfortable with their firearms.
“I’m feeling really good now about being able to protect myself. They’ve had some very good lectures and it’s a great group of women,” said Murphy.
“Some of my preconceived notions are vanishing, so I’m really happy with this experience.” Brown said.
Want in on the fun? Hillsdale College is offering a Shooting Camp for Couples from September 13 through 17, 2015. Registration is still open on a first-come basis. As an all-inclusive experience, lodging, meals, receptions and classes are provided by Hillsdale College.
To register for any of Hillsdale College’s Shooting Camps and Seminars or to receive the 2016 camp dates as they are announced, please contact Kim Gehrke at [email protected] or (517) 607-2569.