What would gun magazines be without guns, ammo and-of course-shooting ranges? Allow me to walk you into the NRA Publications Tech Range and introduce our newest editor.
Recently, NRA Publications welcomed our newest brother, Jay Grazio. Jay is a stand up guy and we all look forward to watching him (and his facial hair) grow here at NRA.
A couple weeks ago I received notice that a few firearms had arrived for me. Excited and eager, I jumped up and ran down like it was my first Christmas all over again. While logging in the firearms I happened to see one was ordered by the "FNG" (fabulous new guy), Jay.
Part of this job is to manage our Publications Tech Range. Since Jay happened to have his first project, he needed a proper inception. I wish I could put into words the excitement in Jay's voice and demeanor over going to the Pubs range, but I'll leave that up to your imagination. The small single-lane range is built for pure functionality, and is far from pristine.
"I can't believe this is work! Having a test range at our disposal in our basement is pretty awesome," Jay said.
Yes, Jay this is work. And I wholeheartedly agree that having a test range is awesome. That said, everything is all fun and games until someone has to clean the range-and that someone happens to be me. Thankfully, I had just cleaned so we got to work on testing the Hi-Point C9, which you will see in a Gun Locker column in the March issue of Shooting Illustrated.