I began rifle shooting two years ago after Mr. John Coffindaffer asked me to join a Boy Scout shooting team. The team never formed, but Mr. Coffindaffer, an NRA Instructor and Rifle Merit Badge Counselor, gave me the opportunity to take the NRA Rifle Safety Course, and invited me to come to shoot at the Condordia Singing Society with the Junior High Rock Shooting Association.
The Junior club gave me the opportunity to learn and sharpen my skills as a marksman. During the time I've been part of the club, the instructors have done a great job assisting and encouraging me throughout the program.
The 4-pos. qualification course was established by the NRA, of which I am a Life member. The firearms and ammunition that I used were provided through grants from the NRA and High Rock Shooting Association. Without their support, and excellent instruction provided by the volunteers, the Junior club would not exist.
The instructors told me to come whenever I could, and that they would be there every week...and they always were. And now they are encouraging me to accomplish more.
When I started the 4-pos. qualification course, my goal was to make Distinguished Expert. Now I'd like to become an instructor, and begin the 3-pos. course.
While attending the Junior club, my family and I have been able to learn more about firearms and opportunities in that regard. My parents and my older sister have applied for their gun permits, and my younger brother participates in the Junior club as well.
As the result of completing this course, I have gained: a respect for firearms as a tool; learning from and correcting my mistakes; and having patience in accepting that some things take a long time to complete.
I thank God for this opportunity, and I thank you all for helping me achieve Distinguished Expert.