Last week I watched the Always #likeagirl commercial that circulated the world-wide web like wildfire. It amplifies that people (women included) continue to perpetuate the idea that doing anything "like a girl" is bad. Well, anyone with half a brain knows that's not true, and that women rock. And anyone who has ever taught a woman to shoot knows that women, in general, are great shots; hence the phrase "shoot like a girl" is quite the compliment.
The company Shoot Like a Girl (SLG2), Inc. has utilized the catchphrase as its motto to the benefit and empowerment of women across the country. SLG2's mission is to provide women the opportunity to shoot a handgun, rifle and compound bow in a safe, controlled environment. That environment is the SLG2 52-foot trailer that features a military-grade firearms simulation system, archery range and is wheelchair accessible.
You can find SLG2 at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex for the 31st Annual World Deer Expo from July 18-20, 2014. If you miss them there, check out Shoot Like a Girl at Buckmasters Expo 2014 on Aug. 15-17, 2014 in Montgomery, Ala. SLG2 will also be at the grand opening celebration of Cabela's on Aug. 23-24, 2014 in Acworth, Ga.
Tell your friends and share the news, because this an experience that all women should have under their belts!
And if you need more femspiration, just take a look at the bio's of the SLG2 pro staff, all women of all ages, from all over the country.