Make This Your Year To Visit NRA's Annual Meetings & Exhibits

posted on February 19, 2017
The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits is a tremendous celebration of firearms, freedom and family fun that happens every year...and each year, your NRA magazines and websites give you the low-down on just how much fun it was. But why should you hear all about it in the past tense? Make this your year to join us in Atlanta, Georgia, from April 27th through the 30th for a weekend vacation your family will treasure forever. Here are five reasons to book your hotel and travel today:

1. Atlanta is easy (and inexpensive) to get to and stay in. 
Your NRA very carefully chooses which cities in which to throw the Annual Meetings so that as many of our members can go as possible. Atlanta stands out even among this group is a very easy destination. It's a major airport hub, so most people flying in will be able to make it in one or, at most, two flights. Unlike many other major metropolises, Atlanta is quite budget-friendly. A three-star hotel room in the area averages $158 a night.

2. There's so much to see and do, you'll never get bored. 
The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits is sometimes referred to casually as "the NRA Show," and it's not hard to see why. Although the exhibit hall floor will feature 450,000 square feet of guns, gear and goodies—yes, almost half a million square feet—the Annual Meetings are about so much more than products you'll like. It's about the whole NRA experience, encompassing all the variety, interests and passion of 5 million NRA members. There's the always-popular Saturday night concert (which features Hank Williams this year); there's the chance to get some trigger time in at the air gun range; there are fascinating seminars from industry experts, celebrity appearances and book signings.

3. The weather is going to be a-ma-zing. 
The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits are generally held in April or May, and depending on which part of the country hosts the show, the weather can sometimes be a bit...iffy. However, the average high temperature for Atlanta, Georgia during the last weekend of April is about 75, with lows in the lower 60s. Although we certainly can't make any promises about the weather, chances are very good indeed that show attendees will bask in the balmy spring temperatures that make April such a pleasure in the South.

4. Atlanta has awesome family attractions.
You'll never run out of things to see and do on the exhibit hall show floor, but sooner or later the doors do close...and that's when your family can head out for more Atlanta fun. There's a terrific Childrens Museum, fizzy fun at World of Coca-Cola, the Georgia Aquarium, the National Martin Luther King, Jr. Historic Site, the Atlanta Botanical Garden and so much more.

5. Hotels are already filling up! 
Area hotels and flights for the weekend are already filling up, so it's a great idea to get ahead of the crowd and make sure you've got your travel and accommodations booked. You can pre-register for the Annual Meetings & Exhibits by clicking here.

Won't you join your NRA family in Atlanta for the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits? We're looking forward to seeing you!


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