The youth shooting sports may have no greater friend than the MidwayUSA Foundation, which has come through time and again with cash grants to support shooting teams. The good people at the MidwayUSA Foundation know, however, that you can have the best-equipped team with the most enthusiastic young competitors ... but it's all for naught if there's no place to shoot. That's why MidwayUSA Foundation has again stepped up to assist those needs through Range Development grants, paying $500,000 to 26 grant recipients.
One recent recipient of MidwayUSA grand funds is the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation, which holds an Agency Endowment with the MidwayUSA Foundation. Jon Zinnel, Conservation Program Manager for Remington Ammunition, spoke about receiving range development funds. “Remington Ammunition looks forward to hosting thousands of youth shooters from across the nation for future events at our gun club. Without this grant from the MidwayUSA Foundation and the support of the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation, building this new sporting clays course wouldn’t have been possible.”
These competitive funds provide the opportunity for recipients to work with their existing ranges on improvements and expansions that allow for more youth-oriented shooting sports activities. Combined, these awarded grant funds will add nearly 500 additional youth shooting events. In addition to the Range Development Grant Program, MidwayUSA Foundation holds endowments for nearly 2,800 youth shooting teams and over 65 state and national youth shooting sports organizations through Agency and Donor Designated endowments.
These organizations, including SCTP, SASP, ATA, ACUI and more, organize and conduct youth shooting events for over 125,000 shooting sports athletes. To see the full list of MidwayUSA Foundation Range Development grant recipients, or to find out how your team can apply for a grant, visit midwayusafoundation.org/.
“A fundamental need of a shooting team is a place to shoot,” said MidwayUSA Foundation Executive Director, G. Scott Reynolds. He continued, “Being on a youth shooting team provides these young adults the chance to be part of something that teaches responsibility, safety, focus, confidence, and leadership…all while learning a skill and making friends. It is exciting to have the opportunity to fulfill another need in the world of youth shooting sports through our Range Development grants.”
Image courtesy NSSF