In case you aren't aware of the changing face of modern-day hunters and shooters, here's a head's up: Things are changing, and for the better! More and more women, myself included, are buying guns and heading out into the field after doing the leg-work to prepare for it. We buy firearms to defend ourselves and the ones we love, and according to a recent survey by Responsive Management, we hunt for meat.
The survey revealed that many hunters across the U.S. are motivated by the idea of harvesting meat. When someone I know doesn't hunt-a.k.a. my entire family and most of my friends-asks me why or how I could do such a thing, I simply explain that as someone who loves meat, I prefer to know exactly how it died and that it's hormone-free. Then I do some slight bragging about the fact that since I'm only feeding myself, one or two deer will last me a year, and I won't have to buy any meat from the store. That's when the jaws hit the floor. Now I have to be careful how many people I share this with, because if everyone starts hunting there might be a sudden deer shortage!