What's new in the world of sound suppression? According to Silencer Central CEO Brandon Maddox, it's all about weight loss ... and no, we're not talking about a new diet fad. Instead, we're talking about titanium, the incredibly durable and lightweight substrate for this high-quality version of the Banish Speed K. An ultra-compact .223/5.56 silencer designed for maneuverability, the Banish Speed K Ti is a mere 4" long and weighs in at 8.6 oz., just a touch over half a pound. This relatively diminutive suppressor is a great choice for hunting, home and livestock defense, as well as competitive shooting. In this great video from our friends at American Rifleman, you'll learn all about how Silencer Central engineered and created this innovative solution in "silence." MSRP $1,399; SilencerCentral.com.