Years ago, Winchester Ammunition's Long Beard XR revolutionized the world of turkey-specific shotshell ammunition. It's still a terrific load for big gobblers, but it's passing the baton to a new-for-2025 turkey load: Long Beard TSS. Winchester touts it as the new king of its turkey-hunting lineup with its incredible pattern density and energy transfer.
As turkey hunters know all too well, the biggest toms love to "hang up" just outside of range ... but these days, "outside of range" is a different story than it used to be. Long Beard TSS, takes effective range to the next level with the most lethal turkey ammunition available today.
Available in 12 gauge, 20 gauge, 28 gauge, and .410 bore, Long Beard TSS has a buffered payload that allows shot to flow seamlessly through any choke, eliminating flyers for long-range lethal patterns. Its magnum payloads send a swarm of pellets downrange with up to eight times more pellets on target than traditional lead turkey loads ... without using lead in the ammo. (The TSS stands for Tungsten Super Shot!) Want to know more? Visit Winchester.com.