Everybody remembers the irresistible "double-dog dare" of our childhoods, encouraging us to reach for new heights. The brand-new Charter Arms Double Dog revolver does the same, and it does it by including a second cylinder in the total package. Why? Well, this configuration allows you to shoot .357 and .38 Spl. through one cyclinder, but if you swap it with the second wheel, you can shoot 9mm Luger, too.
Furthermore, the swap is simple. Essentially, all one needs to do is undo a single screw; our testers were able to make the change in under 5 minutes.
This five-shot wheelgun is offered in a couple of different configurations; as you can see in this great video from our friends at American Rifleman, we tested the Target model. As a DA/SA trigger type, you can either do a long and heavy double-action trigger pull, or cock the hammer for a crisp, light one. Keep an eye on this space for more information as this white-hot new firearm begins shipping! CharterFirearms.com.