Savage Arms has done it again, once again earning its spot at the vanguard of firearms accuracy. Simultaneous with Federal Ammunition's big release of its all-new 7mm Backcountry load, Savage has announced eight new-for-2025 models of the iconic 110 that will be chambered for this revolutionary cartridge.
This is only natural; after all, Savage Arms has long offered many rifles specifically built for tough backcountry hunting. These lightweight, rugged hunting rifles are able to traverse a wide array of environments and withstand the toughest elements, all while delivering the on-target performance required to successfully punch all types of big game tags. The all-new 7mm Backcountry pairs perfectly with Savage’s lineup of rifles built to withstand the rugged wild.
Initial Savage rifles chambered in 7mm Backcountry will include a variety of Model 110s: the Ultralite in both right- and left-hand models; Ultralite Elite; Pro Pursuit Rifle, Timberline in both right- and left-hand models; and Trail Hunter Lite in both 16" and 20" barrels. Each of these rifles chambered in 7mm Backcountry feature all of the same features as the other models in its line.
“We are excited to tap into the new 7mm Backcountry cartridge and its ability to offer magnum performance in a compact platform,” said RJ Contorno, Senior Product Manager at Savage Arms. “The science of this cartridge brings technology and capabilities to our proven rifles. Hunters will be able to shoot faster, flatter and deliver more terminal energy on target with the 7mm Backcountry. We’re going to have some fantastic hunting rifles ready to go in this exciting new chambering in 2025—including the recently introduced 110 Pro Pursuit Rifle (PPR) and our popular Timberline models as well.”
Because this rollout encompasses several models of the 110, prices vary from $669 to $3,299 depending upon which you choose. Check SavageArms.com for more!