Blue Book Publications, Inc., the authoritative resource on gun values, has announced that the 36th edition of their Blue Book of Gun Values by S.P. Fjestad will be released on April 1, 2015. With 1.6 million copies in circulation worldwide, gun owners have always relied on this publication for accurate values for their firearms.
This new edition contains significantly updated values and information that reflect the latest changes in the gun industry. New 2015 makes and models have also been included, along with updated values on discontinued and antique firearms. This latest version includes pricing updates on major trademark current, antique, and discontinued models, including Colt, Winchester, Smith & Wesson, and Sturm Ruger, as well as double-action revolvers from both Colt and Smith & Wesson, which have have fluctuated significantly. This 2,512-page tome includes nearly 1,500 manufacturers and trademarks, almost 20,000 gun model descriptions and over 175,000 prices.
The hard-copy book will also available as an online subscription and on CD-ROM. Just visit www.bluebookofgunvalues.com.