How do NRA Members control the direction of our organization? As with American government, that role is exercised by members voting for their representatives: the Board of Directors.
Voting rights are vested in NRA Members over the age of 18, who have either been Annual Members for the past five years, or are Life Members. In normal years, with no additional vacancies to fill, there are 25 Directors elected annually, to a three-year term. There's also one additional Director who is elected to a one-year term at the Annual Meeting of Members. With 25 Directors elected to an overlapping three-year term annually, there is a certain amount of continuity.
At the end of the Annual Meeting, the 76-member Board meets and elects the President, the 1st Vice President, and the 2nd Vice President. Their role is to run the Board Meetings under Roberts Rules of Order. In the absence of the President, this role falls to the 1st Vice President, and if both are absent, the 2nd Vice President steps in.
The Board as a whole votes every year to retain or seek a new Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director of the Institute for Legislative Action, Executive Director of General Operations, and the Chief Compliance Officer. Our current Executive Vice President is Mr. Doug Hamlin.
So just remember, no one person runs the NRA – the Members do! NRA Members exercise their will to elect the Board of Directors they want to guide the Association in the direction the members’ desire. Everyone is encouraged to request a copy of the official bylaws by emailing [email protected] or by writing to the Secretary at:
National Rifle Association
Office of the Secretary
11250 Waples Mill Rd
Fairfax, VA 22030