At the top of our lineup this week, some critical information for armed self-defenders from our friends at NRA Women. “Self defense” is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot, but it's a legal term with a very specific meaning, and no one—not a top instructor, a lawyer or you—gets to define it. An action is either justified under the legal principles of self defense or it’s not. Columnist Jo Deering reports.
What's the difference between a charging handle and a bolt handle? A simple way to understand how an action works is to look at the parts you manipulate to open the action. A semi-automatic firearm, like an AR or MSR (Modern Sporting Rifle), will generally have a charging handle, and a bolt rifle will have a bolt handle. Let’s look at how charging handles and bolt handles compare, as there are a few big differences in their design and function.
Aaron Lewis is NRA Country! These days it’s rare to hear music that stops you in your tracks and captures your complete attention. Aaron Lewis’ new song, “Everybody Talks to God” is one of those special gems resonating with people across the country. The song has a “less is more” approach that penetratingly delivers the message that one day we will all meet our Maker. Read more here.
Legacy Sports Int'l. brings its Howa Super Lite rifle to market for hunters across America who yearn to take the weight off their shoulders. This featherweight hunting gun offers a scant 4-lb., 7-oz., platform that’s designed for field use. It made "editor's choice" of a recent American Rifleman issue ... find out why here!
Cadet Lt. Col. Sarah Folsom of the Granbury High School MCJROTC Physical Training Team and National Champion Precision Air Rifle Team won the Ultimate Female Fitness National Championship at the 2022 National JROTC Fitness Challenge, held April 15 in Daytona Beach, Florida. Folsom triumphed over a field of more than 100 female cadets to win the title. Check out this amazing junior competitive shooter here!
NRA Family columnist Serena Juchnowski visits our friends at Shooting Illustrated and reports: "It took me a long time to become fully comfortable wearing a holstered firearm. I’ve been carrying concealed for only two short years, and in the beginning months I carried the gun without a round in the chamber. I’m by no means scared of guns -- they are a part of my everyday life. As a rifle competitor, prior to obtaining my CCW license, loaded rifles stayed on the line. Walking around with a loaded pistol, though safely holstered just felt odd and kind of wrong. Gunsite Academy took my slight discomfort and replaced it with confidence. Not arrogance, but comfort in my equipment and ability." Find out what it's like for a first-timer at Gunsite!
At first, American Hunter editor David Herman writes, he resisted red-dot sights. "But as spring has rolled in, the dots have made an even further foray—they now reside atop my turkey guns. While vanity still requires me to mention I have no problem with my beloved, traditional gold bead, the benefits of a red-dot have come home to roost, particularly during the sort of low-light conditions in which many gobblers like to appear. Find out why a reflex sight might just change the whole turkey-hunting game for you.