Since 1971, Americans have celebrated National Hunting and Fishing Day (NHF). This year's celebration is set for Saturday, Sept. 23, celebrating hunting, target shooting and fishing with national, state, regional and local organizations hosting related events. You and your family are cordially invited to attend one near you (click here for a regional listing)!
Launched in 1971 by Congress, NHF Day recognizes hunters and anglers for their wildlife and conservation leadership. Each year, thousands of people attend NHF Day events throughout the country honoring hunting and fishing’s wildlife and fisheries conservation contributions.
One of the main goals of NHF is to recruit new hunters and anglers by encouraging participation and increasing public awareness of the connection between hunting, angling and conservation. So far, it's working out well: NHF Day is the largest, most effective grassroots movement ever undertaken to promote outdoor sports and conservation.
Bass Pro Shops Founder Johnny Morris’ Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium in Springfield, MO serves as the official home for NHF Day. Ducks Unlimited (DU) has also been a steadfast supporter of NHF.
“Hunters and anglers are our country’s leading conservationists. Their support is crucial to wildlife and fisheries habitat conservation efforts around the world. National Hunting and Fishing Day is a celebration of that spirit and our hunting and fishing heritage,” said DU CEO Adam Putnam. “We all could use more time spent outdoors. Thanks to the steadfast support of our volunteers and partners, like Bass Pro Shops, DU has boots on the ground, every day, restoring and conserving millions of acres of wetlands habitat across North America for everyone to enjoy.”