As the 2018 NRA Youth Ambassador for the National High School Rodeo Association, I contacted Mr. Scott Volquartsen about the possible review of his .22LR Inferno rifle. Within a few weeks, a black hard cased Volquartsen rifle arrived in New Mexico. The uncasing left me with wide eyes and a smile of anticipation to put lots of bullets down that shiny barrel. The gun looked and felt like a beast for a .22LR! It weighed in at 10 pounds.
I shoot a Volquartsen in the National High School Rodeo Association. I can attest to the accuracy of their barrels and trigger setups, but I was intrigued with this Inferno stock, which is fully adjustable. The Inferno stock is created from a hard aluminum, which is entirely machined by computer numeric controlled equipment—which gives it precision cuts and a design that is flawless. All of the adjustment can be made for the cheek piece and the length of pull (LOP) with fingertip movements, and there is no need for tools. This is an added plus, especially for a competition rifle. The stock also has two spring-loaded clamps in the cutout skeleton area of the buttplate, which provides storage for your 10/22 rotary magazines. This too is a nice feature for the organization of your equipment and quick and easy access to a magazine change. This stock is impressive! The fore-end has also been skeletonized, which makes it more balanced to the center of the rifle. With the heavy match barrel and the unique precision design of the stock, this rifle felt so solid when I shouldered it. The weight was a little more than I was accustomed to shooting with, but I actually felt steadier with it when shooting offhand.
This rifle is over the top for a .22lr! The groups that can be achieved with the gun are fantastic. Shooting something with this much accuracy makes it easy to leave the range with a smile on your face and a feeling of top shot! Mr. Volquartsen, his team, and his products are a 10X for the shooting industry. This best part is they are “Made in the USA!”