NRA Women's Policy Committee Offering Scholarships for Wildlife Biology

This annual scholarship is intended to encourage the representation of women in scholarly fields related to wildlife biology.

posted on October 23, 2023
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The Women's Policy Committee of the National Rifle Association is pleased to forward details of our exceptional scholarship opportunity. Please share with your department heads, professors and advisors, as well as the leadership of student organizations related to wildlife biology and management on your campus.This annual scholarship is intended to encourage the representation of women in scholarly fields related to wildlife biology. It offers the opportunity for professional visibility through the recognition the awardee will receive through the National Rifle Association.Why Apply? 

In addition to receiving a cash award, the scholarship provides access and connections to numerous individuals working in the natural resources field. In addition, the award can be listed on resumes to highlight accomplishments to help the awardee stand out, and it provides the opportunity to gain experience and mentors. Connections will be made that will become part of the awardee's own personal "grid" for the future, as they will cross the paths of many of these people over and over.There are several events at the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits where the awardee will have the opportunity to speak and be acknowledged. Students who have reached upper division levels (Juniors and Seniors) are eligible to apply. There are no limitations on how the awarded funds are to be used, however, grade point averages and scholarship requirements are expected to be maintained. We look forward to your cooperation in publicizing this opportunity at your institution. We welcome all qualified applicants. The application deadline is December 15, 2023. To learn more or to apply today go to:


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