Throughout the month of September, any donation made to a youth shooting team through MidwayUSA Foundation’s website qualifies that team for their Online Donation Drive. MidwayUSA Foundation’s Online Donation Drive allows a donor’s dollar to go further because there are $200,000 available to match contributions this month. In addition, participating youth shooting teams have the chance to win additional endowment dollars. The top five donation-earning teams will win, awarding $8,000 to the first-place team. Participating teams not in the running to earn a top-five placement are entered in a random draw for the chance to win $1,000. Twelve teams will be drawn, creating 17 winners, total.
Every youth shooting team that has an endowment at the MidwayUSA Foundation has a team page on the MidwayUSA Foundation website. These team pages provide overall endowment funding details, team contact information, and even lists donors. Most importantly, every unique page allows a donor to make donations directly to their favorite youth shooting team. Approximately 2,800 youth shooting teams across the nation have a funded endowment and this online donation capability. 100% of the donation, as well as the match, benefits the team. The Foundation removes nothing for operations. MidwayUSA Foundation’s current Online Donation Drive runs from September 1 to September 30, with the next chance for increased matching dollars on Giving Tuesday (November 30).
“Providing unique incentives, like our Online Donation Drive, for teams in our program not only helps increase their endowment balance but it also offers a chance for some healthy competition,” said Sarah Hall, MidwayUSA Foundation Southwest Program Manager. She continued, “Because one simple donation right through our website enters a team, asking for community support can be an easy thing for every athlete to do. Plus, these donations are tax-deductible!”