If you're like most fitness-minded concealed-carry permit holders, you're probably well aware that one of the times when you're at your most vulnerable is when you're out putting some miles on your running shoes. Whether you're concerned about predators of the two-legged or four-legged variety, your right to self-defense doesn't go away when you put on gym shorts. However, carrying concealed while you're dressed to sweat can be pretty challenging. Not so with the line of concealed-carry on-body holsters from Pistol Wear, LLC!
These holsters are available for all different types of on-body carry. Pictured above is the model that allows both waist and underarm carry. It's got hook-and-loop connections that allow the wearer to adjust the holster to fit your body, as well as magnetic fastenings that secure the firearm. The fastenings are both extremely quiet and very secure--which is exactly what you want when you're carrying concealed. The holsters are available in sizes to accommodate anything from micro pistols to full-size 1911s. The interior surface is sweat-resistant, to protect your gun's finish from the inevitable result of exercise.
Enthuses Pistol Wear's Amie Tuggle, "We've heard from users of all stripes, from police departments to marathon runners. Everyone from young moms to elderly grandmas are discovering that this is a great and comfortable way to carry on-body." Continues Tuggle, "When we first came out, there just weren't a lot of options for fitness carry. We were one of the first to see that there was a real need."
But don't take our word for it! Visit Pistol Wear online and start exploring how you can stay secure while you're breaking a sweat.