Back in June of 2003, I was offered a chance to visit a Marine Corps buddy in Texas and join him on a wild hog hunt. The catch was that the weather was going to be hot. I really did not have any summertime boots, and my early-season archery boots for my Virginia hunts were on their last gasp ... as they often were. Every two seasons, actually. The bottom line was that I needed a reliable pair of season boots fast. I was sick of big-box store-brand boots lasting less than two years.
After some research, I outfitted myself with some Danner Pronghorns. I was used to boots that required a break-in period, but the Pronghorns I pulled on all those years ago never left one blister on my feet. Starting with that hunt, I was very impressed with Danner Pronghorn boots.
Over the years I have worn them across the Southeast walking gravel roads, hiking mountains, stalking deer, hogs, bird hunting through thickets and overgrown fields, stalking through marshes, running rabbits and rustling up Gambel quail in the Sonoran Desert. I even wore them each summer picking berries to make jelly, and I used them on occasion for farm chores too. In short, these boots are the best pair of hunting boots I have ever owned.
Over all those years I never had them leak through the Gore-Tex liner. Last season, the soles started separating from the boot. I was devastated. After looking the Pronghorns up online I decided to hold out and reglue the soles with some professional glue. That worked. Meanwhile I sent a message to Danner asking about the new generation of boots and left them some feedback about the 20-year-old boots I had.
Imagine my surprise when I looked back at the Pronghorns this season and found that the company went back to the original design with just a few minor, but important, upgrades. I decided it was time to get a new pair of Pronghorns. The new boots have arrived, and they are the every bit the great boots that my old ones were.
I have never had a pair of boots last as long as those old Pronghorn boots. Earlier this season I opted to wear the old boots for a quick deer hunt and left my new Pronghorns at home. We only had three hours to hunt, and I would be sitting in a stand anyway and the soles were still hanging on with the glue. One of our party hit a deer, but it ran off and needed to be tracked.
The blood trail took me up and down hills covered with thick mountain laurel, then across a gully and stream before leading me to the headwaters of a pond. I soon found out that the mushy areas were 6" deep in water and mud. Imagine my surprise an hour later when I pulled those old Pronghorns off my feet and found my socks still completely dry after all these years! The Gore Tex liner in the Pronghorns is still intact!
When I got home, I pulled on my new Pronghorns, which are very much like the original design. The difference is the TERRA FORCE NEXT platform, which is said to make the shoe more stable and comfortable. So far, I would agree. Right out of the box these boots feel good on my feet, just like the old veteran Pronghorns sitting in my office, just a little stiffer. These boots have the Gore-Tex waterproof liner, so I will not be surprised if in 20 years my feet will still be dry and I will be a much older man too!
Another serious benefit of these boots is that my feet never seem to get sweaty-wet because that liner breathes. The new model I have is the 800-gram PrimaLoft to keep me on the deer stand a bit longer in the middle of winter.
With an MSRP in the $270-$300 range, these boots are an investment. However, amortized out over 20 years, they're a steal. It's always better to buy quality that lasts than to succumb to a "bargain" that crumbles in a few months. If you need some boots that will last a long time and feel great right out of the box, give the Danner Pronghorns a serious look! Danner.com