We hope you're reading this on your way to NRA's Annual Meetings & Exhibits, but even if you couldn't make it, you'll want to "hear" this news. Why the scare quotes? Because this news is all about being rather quiet indeed, courtesy of Silencer Central. The company's unveiling its newest model to join the BANISH line. It's called the BANISH Speed K Ti, and if you're able to get to booth #10731 at the "NRA Show" this weekend, you'll be one of the first to see (not hear) this 5.56-caliber suppressor in person.
Manufactured from high-quality titanium, the Speed K Ti uses the same design as the award-winning BANISH Speed K. That titanium helps it to achieve a lighter weight of only 8.2 ozs. At 4" in length, the Speed K Ti is the perfect choice when maneuverability is most important. Also featuring controlled flow technology and a vented fourth baffle, this 5.56 suppressor minimizes blowback for a better shooting experience.
Testing shows the BANISH Speed K Ti reduces the sound by 24.4 decibels at the muzzle and 20.6 dB at the ear with a 16-inch barrel. Shooters looking for a compact 5.56-caliber suppressor will love the size and performance of the BANISH Speed K Ti. It is perfect for predator and varmint hunters who want a compact can for tight spaces, and hog hunters chasing wild pigs from the land and air.
"Building upon the success of the original BANISH Speed K released in 2023, this all-titanium version takes performance to the next level," said Brandon Maddox, CEO of Silencer Central. “We saw an opportunity to take that design and create the perfect silencer for home defense, hunting and competition use. The BANISH Speed K Ti is our most compact, lightweight silencer for the .223 round to date.” MSRP $1,399; SilencerCentral.com.