Autumn 2024 will be one for the record books in so many ways, but one of the more important ones is that junior competitive shooters are taking to the clay-target fields in record numbers. This year, the USA Clay Target League (USACTL) welcomed 15,823 student athletes and 990 teams to its programs--an increase of over 1,000 junior shooters and 117 more teams when compared to the 2023 fall participation numbers.
In fact, those numbers are on the rise year over year, which is fantastic news for the future of the shooting sports. Earlier this year, we reported on record-breaking numbers for the spring season.
The USACTL offers the only 100% school-approved clay target shooting sport program in America. Every team must have school approval to participate. Most participating schools have lettering programs as well as yearbook inclusion for the teams. (Homeschoolers are also welcome, and USACTL can explain how.) In addition, tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships are provided to qualifying seniors by the League and post-secondary institutions each year.
"There are thousands of under-served students that want a sense of team, belonging, and camaraderie without the high costs and limited playing opportunities of traditional high school sports. Parents want school-based outdoor activities for their students. The League's school-approved programs provide both with safe, fun, and engaging opportunities to participate," said John Nelson, President of the USACTL.
"This year over 13,000 new athletes joined the League through their school's teams. In the League there are no benchwarmers - everyone participates thanks to the efforts of the shooting ranges, coaches and parents that make teams flourish."