Looking for something fun to do in the outdoors with Dad this weekend to celebrate Father's Day?
Colorado Parks and Wildlifehas a suggestion: Why not head out to a Colorado park to take Dad boating, fishing, hunting or just visiting a park."Creating a connection through shared outdoor experiences provides a unique bond for friends and families to remember for years to come" said CPW Director Broscheid.Colorado offers a variety of waters for any type of preferred boating. Canoe, kayak, motorboat, paddleboard or raft, spending time with Dad can be an adventure. It's a popular choice on any weekend, and there is the potential to have packed boats ramps during the holiday weekend. High water in some reservoirs around the state means recreationists must take extra precautions. Read boating and safety regulations before you hit the water at :
http://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/Boating/BoatingRegulations.pdf. Families can also take advantage of the opportunity to experience fishing Colorado's more than 2,500 lakes and reservoirs, many within beautiful State Parks, and 10,000 miles of fishable streams and rivers...including 300 miles of Gold Medal streams and approximately 3,200 acres of Gold Medal lakes.
Even in the summer, families can enjoy small-game hunting together. A small game license with a hunters safety card is all you need. The small game season is in full swing and with a multitude of different game to target this can be a great opportunity to see wildlife of all kinds.
Find out how to get started small-game hunting
here. Read the
2014 Small Game Brochure or contact the CPW Communication Center at (303) 297-1192 for more information.
Read the 2014 Colorado State Recreation Lands for where to go.
"If you are interested in the idea of going hunting with Dad but you don't know where to start," said Todd Schmidt, CPW's hunter education coordinator, "Sign up for one of the many hunter education courses throughout the state and prepare yourself for any future hunting endeavors."
Find a Hunter's Education class close to you at:
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