Some people call it "sighting-in," while others call it "zeroing." But whatever you call it, sighting-in your rifle and optic is an absolutely vital task that hunters must do before heading out for the harvest. This is true even if you recently zeroed the gun, because even the tightest scope mounts can loosen a just a tiny bit as you transport the gun (and it's doubly true if that transport happened on an airline). An extremely minor error at the muzzle can cause the projectile to miss by a big distance once it gets 200 yards downrange.
As important as this process is, it's actually fairly simple to complete. You shouldn't need more than 3-6 rounds to do it, or more than a few minutes of your time. In this great video courtesy of our friends at, contributor and 2A ambassador Melissa Bachman walks you through it in just about as much time as it took you to read this introduction. Enjoy!