One of the biggest challenges that concealed-carry permit holders face is that, although we all know it's critical to put in range time with our concealed-carry firearm, doing so can be awkward or even painful. Most concealed-carry pistols are designed to pack the maximum punch in the smallest possible frame—which is exactly what you want for self-defense purposes, but can be a bit of a slog when you're putting round after round downrange. Walther's answer to this conundrum is their CCP. This semi-auto pistol uses a unique gas-delayed blowback system that not only reduces felt recoil, it also makes the slide easier to manipulate. It's smaller than a full-size pistol, rendering it concealable, but still large enough that most people won't find it awkward to hold. Watch this video from American Rifleman's Kelly Young as he explains more about what sets this handgun apart from the rest.
Video Review: Walther's CCP in 9mm Luger
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