Turkey season is on its way, and dedicated gobbler hunters are already preparing for the excitement. Of course, if you've ever hunted these birds, you know that said excitement has both peaks and valleys. To put it in terms of popular media: Some days the toms are cross-talking like a CNN host panel, while on others they're silent as the lecture hall in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And that's important, because the call-and-response of boss turkeys is what lets hunters know where said turkeys are, and allows them to lure the birds in.
So what makes the difference? Well, as the National Wild Turkey Federation's "Ask Dr. Tom" host knows, the person who's able to fully and completely answer that question will be able to write a book and become incredibly wealthy. That said, we do have some partial answers that wildlife biologists like him have located via advanced telemetry. One of them, it seems, is barometric pressure.
In this great, brief video you'll learn what the "right numbers" are, and that'll help you prepare your strategy. But beware ... turkeys are most famous for ignoring "conventional wisdom" when it suits them, and there will always be a big tom somewhere with a lot to say.