When should I replace the springs in my pistol?
Recently, a friend came to me with a box containing all the parts to his fully disassembled pistol. He had put about 250 rounds through his gun and thought it best he replace all the springs. I’m not entirely sure where this idea originated. Generally speaking, after 250 rounds one might perform a basic field strip, wipe down and lubrication, but replacing all the springs? That’s a little premature. I dutifully teased him, as a good friend should, while I reassembled his gun using the brand new springs.
The springs on a modern striker-fired pistol should be good up to about 5,000 rounds. Just this week I participated in the FN Armorer course for the FNS-9 and FNS-40. Mike Clark, Dealer Support Representative with FN America, mentioned the slide catch spring was the most vulnerable after 10,000 rounds. So as usual, check your owner’s manual and learn the factory recommendations for your particular firearm, but also use common sense. Would you replace the shocks on your car after just 250 miles? No way! Similar to performing regular maintenance on your vehicle, continue to visually inspect your gun while you clean and lubricate, and keep track of your round count. You’ll feel it when it’s time.