Wild Table with Savage Arms: Perfect Venison Burger

There's nothing more American than a wild-game burger ... here's how to make it perfect.

posted on August 22, 2023

You can travel the world over if you wish, or you can take our word for it: Only Americans know how to treat a burger. (This despite the fact that the word "hamburger" comes to us courtesy of Germany!) What's more, only America has a hunting tradition that extends across all social classes, and that means that Americans are pretty savvy about wild game, too.

What many people don't know is that venison makes a terrific, flavorful burger. It's a common misconception that venison is too lean and/or "gamey" for the perfect American burger. Today, our friends at Savage Arms have set out to prove that the perfect American burger is a venison burger. In this episode of Wild Table with Savage Arms, you'll see how to craft the perfect burger from wild-game meat. The chef has selected a recently harvested Axis deer for the protein, but this recipe will suit any member of the Cervidae family, from moose to Coue's (and everything in between). 


  • 1 lb of Ground Axis
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 finely chopped Shallots
  • 3 finely grated cloves of Garlic
  • 2 tbsp of grated Parmesan Cheese
  • A handful of finely chopped Parsley
  • Hot sauce to taste (Cry Baby Craig's)
  • A squeeze of Ketchup
  • 4 Brioche Buns
  • Lettuce
  • Bacon (a slice or two per burger)
  • Cheddar Cheese, grated


  1. Mix your ground meat with the shallots, garlic, parmesan, parsley, hot sauce, ketchup, and salt to taste. 
  2. Form into four patties and place on the grill.
  3. When you flip your burger, top with grated cheddar, and let melt. 
  4. Once the patty has cooked, assemble your burger. 


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