Who isn't interested in improving their accuracy? If you're growing tired of trips to the range without defined goals, join the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program.
The Marksmanship Qualification Program adds structure and achievable goals to your range visits, helping you develop and improve your marksmanship skills. Qualification shooting is completely informal and is available throughout the year. The program sets milestones for progress and provides prizes along the way.
As you reach the different rating levels, you'll receive a medal, certificate and patch to recognize your shooting prowess. Everyone starts out with a large discipline patch and the rating patches are smaller so that they can be arranged around the larger one.
While the program starts at the basic levels (Pro-Marksman, Marksman), shooters will travel up the ladder to intermediate levels (Marksman 1st Class, Sharpshooter, Expert) and eventually the nationally recognized skill level- Distinguished Expert-the pinnacle of the program. The Distinguished Expert rating is parallel to a competitively classified Sharpshooter. From there you can jump to that classification tree and rise to Expert, Master and High Master.
The beauty of the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program is that shooting can be conducted anywhere-on public ranges, at your favorite club range, even on your own home range. Because of this, the program is run on the honor system and there's no incentive to cheat since you're just working on marksmanship and not competing with other shooters.
Airgun qualification courses are especially suited for informal home airgun ranges and family learning environments-good news for all you BB and pellet gun shooters. Parents can shoot side-by-side with their children or start a neighborhood airgun shooting sports program for their children and friends.
BB gun, air rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, pistol or rifle-the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program has it all and anyone can participate. Go to http://mqp.nra.org for more information and start having some individual or group fun while target shooting that can last a lifetime-while becoming a better shooter at the same time.