Photos courtesy of Wyoming Women's Antelope Hunt.
This October 8th to 11th will hold the annual Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt created by the Wyoming Women’s Foundation (WYWF). Founded in 2013, it’s the nation’s first all-women’s antelope hunt aimed at mentoring and building camaraderie between ladies and open to all levels of hunters. A new hunter will be paired with experienced hunting parties to maximize their learning opportunities, while expert hunters get the chance to educate, pass on, and help reveal a passion of hunting in a participant that might not have been discovered were not for the Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt. Additionally, conservation guides are a strong and necessary addition to the antelope hunts. We hunt for tradition, friendship, food and love of the sport but also for a love of the environment, and because of this support from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation should be no surprise.
“The RMEF is pleased to once again support the Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt,” said Jill Tonn, Senior Regional Director of RMEF. “Women are playing an ever-increasing role in the hunting and conservation arenas. We wish all the participants the best of luck and hope the women continue hunting.”
And, of course, WYWF is very thankful for RMEF’s support! “Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is known, not just for its conservation of elk, but also its stewardship of lands and habitat, which is incredibly important to hunting and to Wyoming…An important part of what we do at the hunt is promote hunting ethics and conservation practices,” said Sarah McCance, Director of Wyoming Women’s Foundation.

In the two years that the Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt has been held, they have raised over $120,000! These funds are then used by the WYWF to fuel their mission—to invest in the economic self-sufficiency of women and the future of girls in Wyoming.
However, you don’t have to wait until next year to help out the WYWF. This Friday, October 9th, there will be a dinner and silent auction to benefit the foundation, tickets can be purchased here. But if you’re not near the area and are dead-set on joining the hunt for next year, the application process begins May 2016. Wish our female hunters luck, and start polishing your skills so next year you can be the bell of the ball…or huntress of the hunt! For more information please visit http://wyomingwomensantelopehunt.org.